Monday 31 August 2009

I finally left Koh Tao

I arrived at Koh Phangan this morning. Left Ali on Koh Tao, her boat isn't until this afternoon, sad times. My taxi to the docks turned out to be a moped. With a rucksack which I'm fairly certain is close to weighing half my body weight and a fairly serious hangover (Ali and I and some girls I had met in Bangkok had a major leaving party last night, until the early hours of this morning) I found the journey particuarly harrowing. Nevertheless, I arrived in one piece and with plenty of time to get my boat. The weather is horrible today. It started raining as the boat left and the sea was very rough. I did not enjoy it to say the least.

It's a bit of a shock to be somewhere so big after the two streets of Sairee beach. The shops here look wonderful and I've checked in to a nice place where I have my own bungalow and a double bed, for less than what we were paying on Koh Tao. However, the beach doesn't look quite as nice and it doesn't seem quite as friendly. It's probably just because I'm tired and suffering from my abuse of Thai rice whiskey. This afternoon I plan to hide my hangover behind my new pair of fake raybans, get some food and watch one of the movies that the restaurants all seem to show here and then get a massage. This evening, I might, god forbid, have a quiet night! That will be a shock to my system after seven nights of pure partying!

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