Monday 24 August 2009

I was a too busy/too drunk/too hungover to post

So I finished up my last post as we were leaving Khao Sok National Park. We travelled by sangthaw (the kind of covered pick up truck) and ferry boat to Koh Samui. Once there we checked into our hotel which was right on the beach and was very nice. Air conditioned rooms and everything. Although the beach was very pretty the sea was a little bit murky so not quite the picturesque beauty you imagine. We were only there for one night so in the evening we headed over to the main beach area. We ate dinner on raised platforms on the beach which had little tables that you had to sit cross legged at. It was great! I ate fresh bbq'd tuna steak and we watched fire works being set off from the beach and lanterns bgeing lit and floating off into the night sky. As we sat and ate dinner we could see lightning reflecting off the clouds out on the horizon, it was incredible to watch.

Despite the amazingly swanky looking hotels and nice looking restarants and bars, I didn't really like Koh Samui that much. It seemed to me to have become a lot like any European resort and didn't seem to have much originality. The next morning we managed to get up early enough to have a few hours on the beach before setting off to get a catamaran for Koh Tao. I am definitely not made to be a sailor. I felt a little queasy as the boat rocked around quite a bit and also could not find my balance and fell about alot when I walked around. I imagine it looked quite funny.

Koh Tao is so beautiful. It has the traditional blue sea that you think of when you think of islands and the palm trees lining the beaches. It is full of tourists but seems a lot more original than Koh Samui and is a bit quirky. I love it here quite a lot. The hotel that we staying in was again very nice. However, the restaurant seemed to have a lot of troule accomodating a group of 15 and took ages to bring food and drinks and paying the bill was an absolute nightmare! But the food was good and they had an awesome bbq in the evenings so it was fine. On our full day at the island we went for a days snorkelling. The marine life we saw was amazing! I saw sharks! And a dark purple octopus! There we also some huge parrot fish and huge schools of bright yellow fish. I also really liked these little bits of coral that looked like brightly coloured pipecleaner stick trees! I also had a great time jumping off the prow of the boat.

During the trip we also got to spend time on a privatly owned island which had a peninsular strip of beach which looked lovely and a precarious looking wooden walk way which wound itself up to the top of a large hill where, after you had climbed up some rocks to get to the top the view was quite stunning. However, like Koh Samui, this had a very commerical resort feeling and was really really busy. I felt like it could have been a resort in the south of France.

Back at our hotel we had dinner and then headed out to the bars on the beach for a last night out as a group together. I had my first experience with Thia red bull. I am a bit special when I drink it. Imagine me drinking 2 bottles of lucozade without doing any exercise and you might get the idea of how much energy I had. We spent the night dancing at one bar until it shut and then going to another bar down the beach and staying there until about 5am! I have never been anywhere like this. Where you can sit and drink at bars on the beach and the club is literally 5 foot from the sea. Awesome.

Yesterday was a bit of a sad day all round. Aly (a girl from the tour who his staying on Koh Tao with me for the week) and I had to say goodbye to everyone from the tour as they were leaving for Bangkok. It was very weird being left on our own. We were also both very hungover and a bit subdued (well I was once the red bull wore off). Our htoel/hostel thing that we have checked into is great. We have a little wooden hut with a little porch to sit on. It even comes with a mangey dog that we have named Tom that lives on the porch. The hotel also makes its own bread, cake and pasta!

After a nap in the sun on the beach and a nap in the room we felt human enough to venture out to have some food. The pasta at the hotel was great! We didn't manage to go dancing last night but we did spend a lot of time chilling out at a bar on the beach which had beanbags! We were quite tempted to see if they would let us sleep there. It was very comfortable.

Unfortunately today its cloudy :( still warm, but no sunshine so we are not impressed. I think today might be a day for a foot massage and the happy hour that starts at 4 :) brilliant.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen - Koh Tao sounds gorgeous. Is that where the full moon party is? Glad to hear you have recovered from your trekking adventure - the leeches sound disgusting. Your graduation photos arrived today - looking good and very intelligent.Very quiet here without you or Al!
    She's arrived safely - hotel rooms are fine (the reviews were horrendous!) - and the temperature is over 30 degrees! Have a great week on the beach.
    Mum and Dadx
