Wednesday 2 September 2009

I had an actual rave on the beach rather than an quiet night in...

So last night my quiet night didn't work out. I didn't drink anything but I bumped into a couple of girls I'd met on Koh Tao and went to meet them at a bar on the beach. I actually ended up watching a fire show and then dancing on the podium with a load of people from Stourport. Turns out it's quite a small world. The beach at night here is crazy. There are several bars and loads of stalls selling buckets of alcohol as well as a couple of sounds systems. One of the bars has one of the biggest sound systems I have ever seen. Probably only rivaled by ones I have seen at festivals and the Prodigy gigs I've been to. Last night it was pumping out the loudest techno/trance I have ever heard and I spent quite a while raving with a Israeli girl I had met. I'm not really sure who is in Israel at the moment because most of the population seems to be at Had Rin. (wide generalisation I know)

This morning I had a nice lie in. It was nice to not still be completely wired from the Thai red bull when I woke up! I brought some books from a cheap second hand book store and went to the beach. I have been totally spoilt by the calmness of Koh Tao and it felt weird to be on a beach surrounded by people. Lunch was at a little restaurant on the main street which is currently playing the entire back catalogue of Friends. I think I might head back to the beach this afternoon and chill out for a bit, then this evening there is a kick boxing match on which I think I'm going to go to.

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