Thursday 6 August 2009

Last night I met lots of lady boys

I am so hungover right now. It's just not funny. And this is the oldest, crapyist keyboard I've ever used and I'm not very happy about it. So, despite all my good intentions, I have become slightly nocturnal. This is not my fault. I blame the people I met in the hostel on the first night. I didn't manage to stay awake all day, I had to have a sleep so I was pretty awake. Once I'd had my nap I went out and had some food, green curry and sticky rice, really good, and watched a guy playing guitar. It was very pleasant. I even drank beer. Tiger is actually quite nice. The thing I didn't like was all the people trying to sell you stuff whilst you're sitting down. It's really irritating. Although it was quite amusng to watch to guys try to trade two paper aeroplanes they had made for a hat. The seller wasn't having any of it. I prefer Bangkok at night. It's quite nice in the dark with all the lights up. The main tourist/backpacker street in this area Khao San Road is still pretty horrible though. It's so crowded and there are so many people selling things and trying to get you to go to stuff. I much prefer the roads next to Khao San, they are much calmer and have a much nicer atmosphere.

Anyway. I got back to the hostel about 11 and was sitting reading in the kind of resturant thing they have when I got chatting to some people who had just arrived. They had all flown from London and met of the plane. There were two girls travelling together, Claire and Chess, a guy called Mel and another girl called Holly. Holly was staying in the same hostel as me, in the room opposite me bizarrely, and the others checked into the hostel next door. Then we all decided to go out a have a few drinks. After spending the day on my own it was really nice to sit around and chat with people. We went to a couple of bars and brought food from the stalls, the spring rolls are awesome, and ended up coming back at 3am.

Yesterday felt like it went on forever! Holly decided to stay in Bangkok for another day and come and see the Grand Palace with me. We walked to it, and although it wasn't far we manged to walk the long way around as we some how missed the entrance road and ended up walking the entire way round the walls. The Grand Palace also has a large temple in its grounds. It was incredible. The colours were so bright and vivid and they are decorated with thousands of brightly coloured tiles and mirrors. It's amazing that a lot of it is nearly 300 years old and looks like it was finished yesterday. They do a lot to maintain it I think though. They were re-tiling several of the smaller buidings and re painting some of the murals whist we were there. I think its for the Queens birthday celebrations next week. Apparently there is going to be a big party. They worship her! There are big pictures of her everywhere. The Palace itself was also incredible. Tourists aren't allowed in the main building but we could go in two throne rooms. The thrones were so ornate. In one room the throne was all gold and in the other it had mother of pearl patterns all over it. I think fabulous is the only way to decribe them.

After chilling out in a park to cool down and being shocked at all the people running, actually running! around the park (I could never run here, it's hard enough to just walk around) we headed back to Khao San for showers and food. Pork fried rice was so nice. It was basic but it so full of flavour that it was lovely. After that we decided we wanted massages. We went to one of the really nice spas so it was probably a bit more expensive (although it only cost 3 pounds) than other places, but the spa was so nice. The massage was half an hour and I had my back, legs, feet, shoulders, head and face, which was a bit weird massaged. It was lovely. Thai massages aren't quite like normal massages, they move you around and stretch you out and crack your back. She also kind of walked on me! I was very chilled out afterwards.

That was when the drinking started. Holly and I found a really nice bar. It's part of a hostel\hotel that I'm booked in to next week. We had really nice crushed ice, tequila based jugs of cocktail. Holly is lovely, we got on really well and it was great to have someone to go out with. At about midnight we decided that we wanted to go dancing, so we went to find a club. We weren't expecting it, but the club was ace. The building was amazing, it had a huge high ceiling with large blacked out windows and a stone dance floor. The music wasn't bad either. It was a mix of dance/electro-y/drum and bass stuff. We spent a lot of time dancing on the stage and made friends with two Australian guys. We also drank quite a lot more. Once this club shut, we went to another club with the guys. It's ok, they were very nice and not creepy and me and Holly were very well behaved. I have no idea where the club the tuk tuk driver took us to was or what it was called. It was more of a Thai club but you could still pick out the tourists. There were a lot of lady boys there. A lot. I don't like that they have better legs than I do. The lady boys were not as friendly as the actual Thai girls there. They were great. There was a lot more dancing on the stage and drinking Smirnoff Ice Blacks. That was the Australians fault. Smirnoff Blacks here aren't as bad as the ones in England and have a 7% alcohol percentage so are a bit leathal when you drink lots of them.

Anyway, Holly and I made it back safely and all in one piece. which is always a bonus. Although I'm not really sure what time it was. Needless to say, I did not make my 12pm check out this morning. I think I've only just sobered up now. Its not good because I have to go and get a train soon. I'm not looking forward to carrying my bag, or moving, anywhere.

Wow this is a long post. Sorry. I have time to kill. It's raining.


  1. ahahaha that's ace!!!! you must bring abck one of these 7% smirnoffs!!!

    dissapointing about the ladyboys though!!!!

    as expected i am jelaous of the foods you're eating [although i did go to a michelin star resturant last night...]

    miss you!!!

  2. Morning Jen - don't forget the parents are reading your blog! (too much drinking - going to strange clubs - picking up boys - this is not what you told me you would be doing!)
    seriously though - glad to hear there are plenty of people to talk to and go out with. Bangkok does sound a bit like Cairo - I'm sure it will be different in Changh-mai. Looking forward to hearing about your epic train journey. take care Mum and Dadxx
