Thursday 1 April 2010

I had a Fergburger and drank cocktails from teapots

Compulsory things you have to do in Queenstown that don't involve extreme sports:
1. Drink cocktails at World bar from teapots
2. Have at least one Fergburger

In Thailand they have buckets. In New Zealand they have teapots. Last night was a big night out. We all got very drunk. We started out at the hostel bar and then moved on to the World bar where the main drinks people have are various varieties of cocktails served in teapots. I just about managed to climb into my bunk at about 4am this morning.

Despite my late/early night I was up at 10.30. Thankfully I only had a mild hangover and this was soon cured by a quick wander round town, a spinach and feta roll and then a trek up to one of the big hills over looking the town. At times the walk seemed like I'd stepped into a Brother's Grimm fairy tale. The pine woods were so thick that it was dark and they were creaking and groaning. I was almost expecting a big bad wolf to jump out and eat me. A secondary reason for my walk was that I have found my perfect cafe. It is a cafe/chocolate shop. They make all of their own hot chocolate and chocolates. After my walk which took a couple of hours I had a nice big hot chocolate with ginger in and a caramel chocolate coated in dark chocolate. It was amazing.

When I got back to the hostel I ended up going straight out again. I went luging again with the guys. It was ace, exactly like mario kart again. For dinner I had a Fergburger. This is an institution in Queenstown and has a well deserved reputation. It was the nicest burger I have ever had. New Zealand beef with melted blue cheese. They have a massive menu and I want to try them all! I'd better go for more long walks.

I think tonight is going to be a fairly quiet one. I'm pretty knackered and I think most other people are as well. I have to be up early tomorrow to go on a trip to Milford Sound as well so I could do with an early (ish) night.


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