Friday 9 April 2010

I ate ice cream on the beach

After breakfast this morning I walked over to one of the bays on the outskirts of the city centre called Mission Bay. It was actually a bit further than I thought, but I guess the walk will have done me good. On the way I had a quick detour round a local farmers market, where I got to try some fresh chilli humous with fresh pitta bread and some local beef sausages, and an aquarium. The aquarium was small but had a nice sections on Antartic explorers, penquins, sting rays and sharks.

Mission Bay is small but very nice. It has lots of restaurants and ice cream shops on the beach front. I met one of my friends from the Kiwi bus, Rob, who is staying with family who live near the bay. I had freshly caught fish and chips for lunch and then we sat on the beach and ate ice cream. It was great. The weather has stayed beautiful, I'm getting very freckly.

After a walk up a little hill nearby to over look the bay I headed back into the city. The walk to the bay was along the waters edge and was very nice but took about an hour and a half.

I'm back at the hostel now, I have to pack to leave tomorrow and I don't want to. I intensely dislike packing. I'm kind of hoping that if I ignore it then my stuff will just pack itself. I think I'll go for dinner and then contemplate packing then.

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