Thursday 11 March 2010

I spent a long, long time on planes

I've arrived in Auckland safe, sound and slightly delirious from sleep deprivation. I did sleep a little on one of my three flights but it probably only amounted to 2/3 hours. I've been awake about 46 hours. I think, my concept of time and date has gone completely out the window, NZ is 13 hours ahead.

Not having done a majorly long flight (most have been under 9 hours) for several years, I'd forgotten just how long they actually are. The flight from Dubai to Melbourne was nearly 13 hours, after a 7 hour flight from Birmingham and followed by another 3 hours afterwards to get to Auckland. I packed in watching 5 full movies, watching parts of 3 others and eating lots and lots of food.

I'll give a more detailed description of Auckland tomorrow when I'm in more of a state to take it in. At the moment my eyes hurt when I take my sunglasses off and I'm exercising a lot of restraint to not wear them inside. First impressions of the city are of a mixture of seemingly old fashionedness and very modern. There are some clearly very new high rise buildings and transport stations but some of the streets and architecture seem very dated. The weather is warm, but a bit cloudy.

My hostel lacks character but will certainly do a more than adequate job. I have my own room and bathroom for the next 3 nights and they provide a free meal every night. Dinner isn't served until 7.30 so I have to try and stay awake for another hour and a half. It might happen as long as I remember to open my eyes when I blink.


  1. How do you wear sunglasses inside out or am I missing something? Mumx

  2. I meant I wanted to wear them inside, as opposed to outside, where it's actually sunny. That sentence still makes sense to me, but I am pretty tired! xx
